CONTACT GAK9 Contact us at (843) 823-0660 for SC | (770) 721-(MYK9) for GA or use the form below to Contact GAK9. CONTACT GAK9 EUROPE General Inquiry for GAK9 SC, GA, MT, ID, IL, and VA Locations Name Email Address Phone Please select location: Please select location:Canton, GeorgiaEdisto, South CarolinaKalispell, MontanaNorfolk, Virginia Subject Message 5 + 9 = Submit Georgia K9 NTC 130 Prominence Point PKWY Canton, GA 30114 GA: (770) 721-(MYK9) FOLLOW US Facebook Twitter YouTube Flickr Instagram Become a Certified Trainer GAK9 South Carolina 8261 Manse Rd Edisto Island, SC 29438 SC: (843) 823-0660 PROUD SPONSOR