Trainer / The Netherlands
Martine Dietz lives in the North of Holland and has been involved with dogs for over 35 years. She has raised, trained and worked with working dogs in various disciplines: mantrailing, detection, obedience, agility, hunting, and SAR work. She has been an instructor since 1991 with numerous certifications.
Martine has three trailing dogs: a Malinois, Ravel (GAK level 3); a BGS, Wallis (GAK9 level 2) and a Working Cocker Spaniel, Giggle (GAK9 level 2). She also started a young working cocker spaniel Griff with his mantrailing and hunting career.
Martine has more than 25 years of Search and Rescue experience including international disaster areas (Japan 2011) and missing person cases in the Netherlands. She gives rubble and air scent seminars to professionals and amateurs. She founded her Oger SAR group in 2012 and her company
Martine’s skills include motivation, reading dogs, problem-solving, training pups and encouraging the dog and handler to become a real team in balance and harmony.
Email: ccoonscompass@gmail.com
Website: www.ccoonscompass.nl
Phone: 00316 27368081