Trainer / Germany
Professional Training: Neuro-Physiological-Technical Assistant and Psychology. Rebecca is a police officer in Baden-Wuerttemberg. She works as a Patrol K9 Handler with her police dog 7-year-old Malinois, Daphne. Rebecca specializes in narcotics, explosives, human remains, and evidence detection. She is also a trailing trainer and expert in tactical tracking.
Rebecca is a martial arts specialist in the areas of Judo, Jiu Jitsu, boxing, and kickboxing with over 38 years of experience. She was also a member of the German Police Judo and Jiu Jitsu teams.
Rebecca has been involved in IPO work with German Shepherds for 25 years and has been working with trailing dogs since 2003. She is an animal psychology graduate and Police K9 trainer in the areas of apprehension work, trailing, detection, and obedience.
Rebecca also served in Afghanistan as an instructor in the areas of hand-to-hand combat, first aid, radio communications, AK47, Counter Improvised Explosives Devices, and land navigation.